Victoria and her two family members are enjoying themselves in the countryside not far from the scholarly German city of Bonn.
The scene this time will be out of doors, so that our Victoria and her cousin, Mercy might enjoy the fresh breezes near the banks of the River Rhein. Both of the dolls' outfits and the outdoor travel scene will be provided together in this single post.
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Mercy's new husband, Tom has connections with some friends of his own family there in Germany. Such friendly connections will allow all three busy travelers some time to relax together at a pleasant countryside estate that is located south and east of Bonn, and on the River Rhein.
The pavilion in this picture offers everyone a cooling place to sit on sunny afternoons. Tables have been left standing inside of this nice outdoor building. These tables have been used many times during spring and summer outdoor teas and luncheons.
The garden pavilion is also a good place from which to view the lovely sky at evening. As we gaze eastward over the water, there is a sudden rise to the landscape. These hills comprise the "Siebengebirge," or the Seven Hills range overlooking the river.
It is a very picturesque view. Victoria is dressed in her dinnertime best in the Display picture (shown first below). This is her best dinner "corsage" or blouse she is wearing. The apricot tone of its cotton fabric is a flattering color for her pretty face, isn't it?
Her long white gloves propose a challenge that every woman of a certain status understood during the late 1800's.
"A compromise was achieved with the mousquetaire wrist opening, through which ladies could slip their hands out of the gloves for meals without removing them altogether (it was and is against etiquette to eat or drink with gloves on). " {A reference link for the page I've just quoted from may be found HERE.}
Her soft grey skirt reveals a touch of a snow white petticoat along with one of her more formal shoes. The cut of her skirt you may recognize from the skirts of her Sunday dresses from last year, but it is still a fashionable style for a refined and modern setting such as this one. The house just beyond the garden may not be seen from here, but it is very ornate and grand. Each guest will have his or her own bedroom. Mercy and Tom have whispered together in the small sitting area in Mercy's room about the place being more of a "palace" than it is a house.
She and her cousin have a trip planned for the nearby University, where the two hope to practice a few of their language skills with some students their own age. Tom will not be along at the time, for he will be once again engaged in doing business for the day.
In the meantime, there is to be a delicious and unique dining experience inside the spacious country home. Among the items on the evening's menu will be Spätzle, a very tasty kind of egg noodle dish known throughout Germany. Other items will include a choice between roasted chicken with currants or baked fish, a Gurkensalat (a kind of fresh summer salad made from cucumbers), and a cake of strawberries made with meringue. But of course, that is just a sampling from a rather extensive menu from which Victoria, Mercy and Tom will be able to choose during this evening's meal.
Their hosts are both prosperous, wealthy and very friendly. Their children will be supping with their nanny, but these happy youngsters will make a special appearance in order that they may be introduced properly by their parents to the family's guests.
The event promises to be very delightful, as their hosts are highly educated and interesting. The husband, a Mr. Charles Browne from London, married his charming and talented German wife, Klara ten years ago. They already have three admirable and talented children to their young family. Klara is to play the piano for her guests in their Music Room directly following their lavish meal.
Victoria has taken her sunset walk in the cool of the evening in the garden. Soon, a small gong will be struck by a groom on that garden lawn to summon everyone indoors to the dining room.
NOTE: Instructions for the assembly of the Rooms and Scenes of the Paper Doll Collection may be found by following this link HERE.
Happy Creative Summer Playtime!
PPSPlaytime™: Victoria Visits the Rheinland
Display of the Garden Scene
(lower quality than the downloads)
Download Upper Left Portion HERE.
Download Upper Right Portion HERE.
Download Lower Right Portion HERE.
Download Lower left Portion HERE.
Display of Victoria's Outfit Alone
(lower quality than the download below)
Download Victoria's Dinner Outfit HERE
Display of Mercy's Outfit Alone
(lower quality than the download below)
Download Mercy's Dinner Attire HERE
©RHMcGuinn as are all of the rest of the Paper Dolls, outfits, rooms, Scenes and Accessories, including standards.
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