Autumn leaves! What could be better?
The sky seems to deepen in tone just enough to be noticeable this time of year, as the cooler temperatures paint every leaf a shining new color.
Please see the special new copyrights and Guidelines below this post's downloads. Thank you.
I have some thanking to do now. You see, I had lost some of my edge on creativity, and was really bored with everything that I'd just completed. I didn't realize just how in the doldrums I'd been until I happened across a new video by creative crafter par excellence, Shemi Dixon. (name is a link) That playful, lighthearted attitude of hers was just what I needed in order for me to snap out of my dull mood and into some more creative playfulness! This led me to playing around with a few favorite fall colors and using my Photoshop playfulness for a change. The result: an entirely new collage made from leafy patterns along with a contented me.
Included in this set will be a number of new items from which you may choose. Please be aware that certain copyrights had to apply in this case due to the materials and brushes used. (which see below)
Shown first is the new Pocket Set that is for book artists and crafters of all sorts. You'll notice the new badge style is made using an image of some antique leather along with a copyright free leaf. That particular item, along with the gemstone and antique glass buckle, are copyright free, with no strings attached. The same would apply towards the photo corners (4 in all to this set).
It's the collage which makes up the main body of each pocket and the trim at the top of the page that have certain copyright rules added. I am sorry for any confusion this could cause,and so will try to make things as clear as possible for everybody. Basically, it's OK to use everything here just for fun in your own personal world. It is NOT OK to sell the copyrighted things without permissions or licensing or attributing, depending upon the item. (Whew! -seems complicated! Please don't let it bother you, though. I promise it does get easier!)
The second, the simple Frames and cutouts Set, has copyrighted digital brush images throughout. A digital brush is not exactly easy to explain to the uninitiated. Each one is an image that is created for use with Photoshop programs. Some images look a lot like a natural brush stroke, while others have unique shapes, such as leaves or flowers or even buildings!
The list is simply endless of the types of images to be had on the digital brush market anymore! I've collected and used only free brushes that do oftentimes have copyrights. I then follow the instructions as to crediting or attributing, and so on, so that I still get to give everything away free for you here at Plush Possum. Since this blog is all about Free images for creative use, this works well as long as the guests here will follow the example that I try to maintain for us all.
The third Set in this collection is just like the second, in that it is based upon that leafy collage design I mentioned above.
For the post that started this Collection, you can follow this link HERE.
Once you've read my list, you will quickly see how simple it really can be to get the gist of copyrights and sharing where digital brushes are concerned.
Happy Autumn Creativity!
PPS™ Leafy Autumn Collection Part One
Download Pocket Set HERE (1/4 inch margins)
Display version
(lower quality than the download)
Display version
(lower quality than the download)
Download Leaf Decorations Set HERE
Display version
(lower quality than the download)
Credits, Copyright Information
and Guidelines
Digital Brush Credits:
(where you can find their Terms of Use)
(please click on the word "copyright" at that page)
Trim at top of Pocket Set:
Please visit each linked page
where you'll find each person's rules.
My Rules for This Particular Collection
You are free to:
use any of the above shown
downloads for fun and for gift giving.
You are not free to:
sell anything that you've made
using this collection's images other than the
The striped gem and glass buckle,
the photo corners,
the leather and leaf badges.
Everything is free.
Let's keep it that way!
Thank you!